Preventing and Removing Mold in the Garage

Garage with moldy sheetrock wall and open garage door

It's not uncommon to find mold in a garage simply because it's in constant contact with the outdoors. Also, most people don't spend a lot of time cleaning their garage, so the mold has plenty of time to take hold. But you should never just accept the presence of mold in a garage for a couple of reasons, chief among them being that certain types of mold can pose a serious health risk to you and your family. In this post, the team at your favorite garage door company take a deep dive into mold, how to prevent it and how to remove it if it's already present.

Why Do Garages Attract Mold?

Mold spores thrive in high humidity as we said and typically attach themselves to rough surfaces like wood and cardboard. If you store things for a long time in cardboard boxes inside the garage it's virtually guaranteed you'll find mold on the bottom of the box when you finally lift it up. And since many garage interiors are unfinished it's also common to find mold growing on the wall joists, baseboards and elsewhere.

mold • A microscopic fungus that thrives in moist conditions, breaking down organic matter and sometimes producing airborne spores that can affect health and indoor air quality.

Six Ways To Prevent Mold In Your Garage

When we arrive at a home to perform garage door repair we often see mold growing in various parts of the garage. Most homeowners we speak to feel like there isn't much they can do about it. But that is not the case. Here are 6 things you can do to help prevent mold in your garage.

Address Any Water Immediately

If rainwater or snow melts seeps into the garage make sure you remove it quickly. Once the water is removed make sure you dry down any items that got wet. If storage boxes became wet from snow melt or flooding replace them with new boxes after drying the garage thoroughly. If something is spilled inside the garage, wipe it up immediately. It only takes a little bit of water to start a mold colony.

Reduce The Moisture Level Inside The Garage

Reducing the moisture level in your garage is essential for preventing mold growth and maintaining a safe environment. This can be done in several ways.

  • Inspect for leaks — Check your garage’s roof, walls, and foundation for any cracks or gaps that could let in moisture. If you find any, seal them with waterproof caulk to prevent water from seeping in.
  • Seal exposed concrete — Concrete is porous and can absorb moisture, creating a damp environment that encourages mold growth. Applying a waterproof sealant helps protect the surface and reduces excess moisture.
  • Use a dehumidifier — Keeping humidity levels below 60% is key to preventing moisture buildup. Installing a dehumidifier can help regulate humidity and maintain a drier garage.

Taking these steps will help you create a more moisture-resistant garage, reducing the risk of mold and water damage over time.

Enhance Ventilation

Mold loves environments that are moist and stagnant. A good way to get the air moving in your garage is to install an exhaust fan. Also, some folks in Highland Ranch put their clothes dryer in the garage and don't feel the need to install a dryer vent for the hot air it produces. This is a mistake since the air coming from the dryer is both warm and moist and perfect for promoting the growth of mold. So if you have a dryer in the garage install a dryer vent to the outside.

Insulate The Garage

Most garage interiors are unfinished which leaves plenty of surfaces for mold to attach to. Unfinished walls also enable moisture to seep through, increasing dampness in the garage. So insulate the garage and don't forget to add weatherstripping around the garage door and any windows and consider insulating the ceiling as well.

Don't Leave The Garage Door Open

Some folks leave the garage door open for extended periods of time during warm weather, whether for ventilation, convenience, or simply out of habit. By doing so, however, you're laying out the red carpet for mold and other moisture-related issues. The longer the door remains open, the more humid air can enter, increasing the moisture levels inside the garage. Once that moisture settles on surfaces, it creates the perfect conditions for mold spores to take hold and multiply. To minimize this risk, try to keep the garage door closed as much as possible, especially on humid days or after rain.

Declutter The Garage

The more mold-friendly surfaces you have in your Littleton garage the more mold you're likely to have. So minimize opportunities for mold to grow by decluttering the garage, removing anything that's past its expiration date or is just taking up space for no good reason. If you have cardboard storage boxes in the garage either lift them off the floor by placing them on pallets or shelves, or replace them outright with plastic storage boxes.

How To Eliminate Mold In Your Garage

Mold in your garage can spread quickly and cause damage to your belongings while also posing health risks. Removing it effectively requires the right approach, including proper protective gear, thorough cleaning, and ensuring the space stays dry to prevent regrowth. To safely and efficiently eliminate mold from your garage, follow the steps in the infographic below.

Download a PDF of the Infographic Above:

By carefully following these steps, you can effectively eliminate mold from your home's garage and minimize the likelihood of future mold issues.

For Expert Garage Door Installation In Littleton, Contact A Better Garage Door

In our more than 25 years of providing expert garage door installation we've seen plenty of mold. The important thing to remember is that while it may look harmless, it could lead to serious respiratory problems. So don't wait. De-mold your garage today.

And if you need emergency garage door repair remember we're here 24/7/365. Just call 303-920-2267.

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