Garage Door Resources - A Better Garage Door, Inc.

Updated on September 18th 2023
Suburban house with white paneled garage door

If you have a few thousand dollars burning a hole in your pocket, there is no shortage of things you can do with it. You could buy some cryptocurrency, stocks, or maybe even a hot tub for the backyard. There's no doubt that the prospect of investing in a new ga...


Garage Door Windows: The Pros and Cons

Blue suburban home with white garage door with windows and accents

If you’re currently looking for a new garage door installation, considering all the different types of doors that you could potentially have fitted at your home, windows is one factor that you may be undecided on. Windows or no windows? As a garage door sales company with thousands of installation...


Updated on September 18th 2023

Garage renovated into office space with partially open glass garage door

In an extensive 2012 study, University of California researchers found that 75% of participating households had too much clutter in their garages to park a car. For many Americans, the garages is their home's most underutilized space. But what else can you re...


Large, silver fan against white background

If your garage doubles up as a workshop or you just don’t appreciate getting out of your car and straight into a sauna, you’re going to want to take steps to keep it cooler during the hottest months of the year. And, with the help of our handy guide, you can make sure your garage in Broomfield d...


Items stored on wall shelves in residential garage

If your garage is looking a little neglected or you’d simply like to modernize it and turn it into a more appealing space, you’ll find plenty of useful advice in this article. We’re going to take a look at 6 ways in which you can level up your garage, all of which are practical and relatively inex...


Garage door repair technician wearing red shirt and gloves reviewing checklist on clipboard

Like springs on Parker-area garage doors, the rollers come with an estimated cycle rating, which means the manufacturer has designed them to work a specific number of times. Each cycle represents the garage door opening and closing one time. Because the average residential garage door is the most...