Garage Door Resources - A Better Garage Door, Inc.

Updated on July 24th 2023
Skeptical Man Considers Company Credentials

If you are in the market for a new garage door and are currently looking for a reputable installation company or repairman, there are a few things that you should definitely consider before making your final choice.

You might not be fully aware of it right now, bu...


Thermometer wedged into snowbank as surrounding snowflakes fall

Updated on July 24th 2023

Your garage door and its mechanical components, like most things in and around the home, experience a lot of usage throughout the year. But come the hard Colorado winter, not only is your garage door still being heavily used, it’s under constant attack from the free...


Finding a Garage Repair Company

When you find yourself in need of a good garage door repair company, it’s not always the best idea to choose the nearest one to you because it’s so darn convenient – or even the one that shouts the loudest with the biggest and boldest advertising campaign. It’s just like everything else in life; i...


Updated on September 18th 2023

Garage Door Scam Alert

When you’re experiencing problems with your garage door, you need a garage door repair company and you need it fast. No one wants to be forced to open and close the garage door manually in the dead of night or when the weather is bad. Nor do they want to be loc...


Different Garage Door Styles

The garage door is not a sexy topic. Nor is it one that gets a lot of print space over at H&G magazine or creates the kind of excitement that a remodeled kitchen or new furniture will. But maybe it should. You see, the garage door is the largest single component of your home’s exterior. In some ca...


Updated on August 30th 2023
'POWER OUTAGES' in yellow font with animated lightbulb and adjacent road sign image

The majority of homeowners and their kids today have never known a time when they had to open the garage door by hand. But most garage doors in place today don’t have a backup power source. So when lightning takes out a transformer a few blocks away and the garage...