Of all the garage door problems that may be encountered by homeowners across the world, the mysterious self-opening door is certainly one of the more perplexing. Your door may have functioned normally for many years and then one day, out of the blue, it suddenly starts to open of its own accord. W...
When you are choosing a new garage door, it is important to consider how durable it is likely to be, whether it is well insulated and how much it will cost but aside from these practical considerations there is the matter of aesthetics: what will your new door look like once it has been installed?...
In some cases it may be very obvious that a spring has broken but if you are not sure whether this is the cause of your problems, take a look at the list below. In it, you will find the five most common warning signs that indicate a broken garage door spring. If you are still not sure after care...
In our earlier blog content, we have shared our experience of the most common garage door problems that we encounter while providing garage door services in Broomfield, Parker and surrounding areas. In this article, we are going to take a look at a few of the m...
If you’re contemplating garage door replacement it’s a good time to bring yourself up to speed with garage door safety issues and practices. Why? Well, garage door injuries reportly cause 20,000 to 30,000 emergency room visits each year, according to the Internatio...
If you have decided that you would like to convert your garage into an extra living area for your family, you have probably also considered replacing the existing door with something that is more visually appealing. While some homeowners opt to install sliding glass doors or wooden doors on hing...