When the time comes to replace a garage door, many homeowners are faced with a choice: should the new garage door have windows or not? There are a number of factors that potentially impact your decision including security, privacy concerns, aesthetics and cost (win...
When most folks think of garage door maintenance they understandably think of painting the panels, cleaning any windows, maybe having someone in to look at the garage door opener and things like that. What doesn’t often occur to people is the issue of rust. But r...
There have been a lot of words written about the effects of extreme winter weather on the garage door. And rightfully so. Extremely cold temperatures and snowy, icy conditions that come with them are tough on everything: from house paint to plants to your car and the garage door. What isn’t talked a...
As the area’s premier garage door repair company we see them all the time: older garage doors that have been battered by nature’s non-stop assault. Fact is, if you have a painted door the time will inevitably come when you’ll need to address the fading, chipping and peeling paint brought on by e...
Many homeowners look upon their garage as a kind of catch-all for storing just about anything. Some things end up there because someone was in a hurry and didn’t have time to find a better place. Other things wind up there because the closet was full or they were considered too dangerous to store in...
There’s little doubt that when most homeowner’s today think about garage doors one image comes to mind. And that is of the sectional garage door slowly rising, bending neatly every vertical foot or so before coming to rest above the car. This type of door has becom...